Me… An Expert?

Craig Valine
3 min readNov 12, 2020

This is a classic story with me. I’ve told it before, but oh boy… it needs to be told again.

I had been ignoring a problem in my car that could’ve well caught me in the middle of the California desert during my trips to Vegas in January, but fortunately did not.

For a full year I thought I had a leak in my coolant hoses. Leaks in my driveway and replenishing of coolant indicated as such. I also thought my fuel injector needed cleaning. I had this ‘sputter’ when I pressed on the gas hard to get on the freeway, and well, I just thought that was the problem.

Fast forward. Noticeably, my coolant had not really been leaking, but my engine was running extra hot, extra fast. I figured, I can’t see the leak, but THAT must be the big problem. Add more coolant and I’ll be fine.


Now bring in an expert: Former EMP Private Client John Tarrant and his son at Main Street Garage in Upland, CA.

I’m out visiting him on a client visit and I tell him I need some work on my car, listing what ‘I’ thought were the problems that needed to be fixed. I say, “I’ll bring it in next Monday.” (6 days away) He says, “are you sure you can last that long?” I say, “Yeah. I’ve made it this far. I can make it through the weekend.”

Um, no.

I drive home from my appointment with him and my engine is HOT, HOT, HOT. I nearly overheat on the way home. I stop at Target again and pick up some more coolant, but that doesn’t work for long. I text John and ask, “can I bring it in tomorrow morning.” He says, “sure.”

Long story short, I BARELY make it to his garage. In fact, I overheat off the exit in Upland and text him saying, “I’m almost there. Overheated. Will be there shortly.”

I make it. Hand over the keys to him and his son (the expert mechanic) says, “It’s probably your head gasket” (The head gasket is the gasket that fits between the cylinder head and the cylinders or cylinder block in an internal combustion engine. A MAJOR JOB to say the least.) After they checked it out, it WAS the head gasket.

Here’s the thing: Over the entire past year I thought it was a minor problem that could be easily fixed. I found out through an expert mechanic that my amateur opinion and assessment was wrong. I was trying to fix the wrong problem. The expert mechanic set me straight and is fixing the major problem that needs to be fixed first before I can drive the car again.

LESSON: It pays to have an expert (whatever: mechanic, accountant, lawyer, MARKETING COACH) by your side to advise you how to deal with and push through the REAL problems you face — in life, in business, etc.

I would be stranded on the side of the rode today, for sure, if I didn’t trust in handing over my car to an expert who knew, almost instantly, what the real problem was.

Whatever you think are the problems in your business are probably not the REAL problems. There are underlying, more serious issues that need to be addressed first.

Call upon me and let me help. Join us on our EMP Alliance Zoom Calls, or join our Advanced Marketing Mastermind to help you uncover the real problem and get expert advice on how to solve it.

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My EMP Advanced Marketing Mastermind helps serious entrepreneurs and professionals create outstanding results in their business and reach goals in the fastest time possible. Watch this brief video to listen to what a few current and former members have to say.



Craig Valine

Los Angeles Area Marketing Performance Strategist, Investor, Coach |