Why Prospects Don’t Buy

Craig Valine
2 min readDec 27, 2020

Imagine this scenario:

You have a great product or service.

Your offer is good; maybe even timely.

Your price is reasonable and affordable.

You know your prospect NEEDS or is interested in what you have to offer.

But, your prospect still doesn’t buy.

Why is that?

The “problem” you may be having is that your prospect has to first go through a series of “agreements” in their mind before they give you their money.

  1. They must WANT the result that you can provide them.
  2. They must BELIEVE that getting that result is possible.
  3. They must conceptually AGREE that what they are doing right now is NOT WORKING.
  4. They must also agree that there’s A BETTER WAY to achieve the result they want than what they’re doing right now.
  5. Finally, they must agree that YOU can help them get that result.

My teach Dan Kennedy calls this “The Concept of Agreement”.

So, if you’re solving a problem in someone’s life that they thought they could do on their own, this is right up your alley.

By using certain simple copywriting formulas combined with social proof and an irresistible offer, you can win more of your prospects over to handing their money over to you.

By the way, this “Concept of Agreement” and many other money-getting strategies are taught to members of our EMP Alliance VIP membership. I’ve been helping hundreds of entrepreneurs over the past 13 years reach their goals in the fastest time possible. If you’re ready for that, you can too.

If you’re not currently a member of EMP Alliance and you want greater success from your business and you are willing to go to any lengths to achieve it, then it’s time to seize this opportunity now.

Become an EMP Alliance VIP today:
>>> EMPAlliance.com



Craig Valine

Los Angeles Area Marketing Performance Strategist, Investor, Coach | https://tinyurl.com/craigvaline